Audi Q8 E-tron Discontinued Due to Low Demand: Sun Down of Luxury Electric Car

Audi Q8 E-Tron discontinuing will affect jobs at Brussel plants.

Audi Q8 E-tron Discontinued Due to Low Demand: Sun Down of Luxury Electric Car
Audi Q8 E-Tron (Image: Audi Malaysia)

Audi Q8 e-tron discontinued due to facing a global decline in customer orders for its electric luxury vehicles. This decline particularly affects the Audi Q8 e-tron and Q8 Sportback e-tron models, which are manufactured in Brussels. As a result, Audi is considering ending production of these models earlier than planned at the Brussels site.

Key Highlights

  • Audi Q8 e-tron models face global decline in customer orders.
  • Production at the Brussels site may end early due to low demand.
  • Audi Brussels starts information and consultation process.
  • High production costs in Brussels contribute to restructuring plans.
  • Transparent dialogue emphasized for finding viable solutions.

Audi Q8 E-Tron Discontinued: Here is the reason why?

The Board of Management at Audi Brussels has informed the Company Council about their plans to restructure the site. This marks the start of the information and consultation process as required by Belgian law. During this process, plant management will discuss potential solutions for the site with social partners, which may include stopping operations if no alternative is found.

The Audi Q8 e-tron family, which started production in Brussels in 2018, marked Audi’s entry into electric mobility. Initially, the models were successful worldwide. However, with the introduction of new models on the Premium Platform Electric, the demand for the Q8 e-tron has significantly dropped. This has led to a sharp decline in incoming orders.

In addition to the drop in demand, the Brussels plant faces structural challenges. The location near the city center makes it difficult to change the plant layout and leads to high logistics costs. Consequently, production costs in Brussels are higher compared to other sites. After a thorough review of the market situation and the conditions at the Brussels plant, Audi is contemplating an early end to the Q8 e-tron production.

This decision may impact employment at the Brussels site, requiring the development of alternative solutions. The information and consultation process will explore these alternatives in detail. The company’s management will discuss potential solutions for employees and the site with responsible social partners.

What does Audi Management says ?

Volker Germann, CEO of Audi Brussels, emphasized the importance of a transparent and constructive dialogue during this process. He stated, “The announcement does not mean a decision has been made. We will consider all perspectives.”

Rita Beck, spokesperson for the Audi Committee in the European VW Group Works Council, called for long-term prospects for the Brussels plant and its employees. She urged Audi management to take responsibility for the site and find sustainable solutions.

Gerd Walker, Member of the Board of Management of AUDI AG for Production and Logistics, supported the decision to start the consultation process. He stressed the importance of shaping this process constructively and transparently, aiming to find viable solutions for all involved.

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